One of the biggest changes in Sengoku Basara 4 is that it dropped all support for the Wii, allowing the creators to push the PlayStation 3's limits further. In that respect my opinions on some gameplay decisions might be unusual since two-player mode makes some parts of the game much easier, and others rather more challenging.

One other thing that I should mention is that I mostly play in two-player co-op mode for the first few months of a Sengoku Basara game release my partner's interest tends to wane more quickly than mine and it's fun to experience the new stories together for the first time. As usual, I haven't structured this post as a review so much as a jumbled stream of consciousness. I decided to gather my impressions some time ago and the imminent anniversary of the game's release seemed like a good excuse to finally post them. However, it seems that a few crazy people wanted to know what I thought about it after all the months of hype.

Most game reviews seem to focus on mechanics and high level play, whereas I'm nothing more than a weird fanatic who loves the series a little too much. I wasn't originally planning on reviewing Sengoku Basara 4 since I'm not really qualified to describe the technical achievements or provide impartial commentary about the intricacies of its design.